Multi-Mode Multi-Server Tournament

UPDATE: I'm giving a bonus point in the tournament to anybody who pre-registers (ie. your score starts on 1 before you even play a game!) You can preregister by sending an e-mail to with your Epic name OR by RSVPing in the Discord (

We're hosting a custom Fortnite tournament with a prize of 5,000 vBucks, but it's not all about winning, with some other fun elements thrown in there as well.  Here are all the details you need in order to enter and/or watch the tournament.

Who can take part?
Anybody can take part in the tournament, but it will fill on a first-in basis. The tournament will take place on the OCE, NA-EAST and NA-WEST servers, so you will need to have the correct server selected for each round.

When is the tournament?
At this stage the tournament is set for 10:00am Saturday 28th May AEST (Melbourne, Australia) time.

I think this makes it 7:00PM on Friday 27th May CDT or 8:00PM Friday 27th May EDT for those in the US

Does it cost anything to participate?
No, there are no costs in order to participate in the tournament.

What are the prizes?
Full prize list to be announced on the day (I'm still working on it!) but something like:
First Prize: 5,000 vBucks
Second Prize: 2,800 vBucks
Third Prize: 1,000 vBucks
Chat Prizes: Various Gift Cards and Giveaways

What format is the tournament?
This will be a standard Solo Battle Royale tournament.  Land anywhere, Kill on sight etc. No special rules, so you can play just as you would loading into pubs.

The main difference with this tournament is it is a multi-server multi-mode tournament.  There will be six games all up, with two games on each server.  One game of zero builds and one game of builds.

How will it be scored?

The scores for the tournament will be cumulative.  In other words, there is no “Final”, but it will depend on how many points you accumulate throughout.

Exact scoring scheme will be available closer to the time, but will be something like:

Victory Royale: 5 points
Second Place: 3 points
Third, Fourth, Fifth: 2 points
Sixth - Tenth: 1 point
Mystery Bounty: 2 points (There will be mystery bounties each game - whomever eliminates those players gets these points)

Some Rules:
1. Toxic play (ie. Take the L, Donkey laugh) will get you disqualified
2. Teaming will get you disqualified
3. You need to have anonymous mode turned off (If we can't see your name, you can't get points)

How will the tournament work?
The tournament will be broadcast on Twitch at

We will distribute a special matchmaking code in the chat that you can enter in order to join the customs.

(If you haven't done custom matchmaking before, look up beforehand how it all works) 

If you have any questions, send an e-mail to or drop by the stream before the day and ask away.  Stream usually starts around 8:30pm Melbourne time on weekdays.

What if I just want to watch?
You're most welcome to drop by and watch, or cheer on your friends.  We'll be going live a bit before 10:00am, so feel free to join the stream whenever.  If you follow gr8rcre8r on Twitch and have notifications turned on, you'll get an alert when we go live. We'll also have some giveaways in chat, so even if you don't play Fortnite, there's a chance to come away with some free stuff!

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