I began playing video games on the Atari 2600, but really developed a love for video games with the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and games like Super Mario Bros, Kung Fu and Ghosts 'n Goblins.  Our first family computer was an Apple IIe, and games like Karateka, Montezuma's Revenge, Lode Runner and Prince of Persia took up many hours of my childhood. In recent years I have returned to consoles, with various generations of Playstation and XBox. The game that really got me back into gaming was The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, having completed all the quest lines including DLC's twice. Currently I am invested in Fortnite and am looking forward to the move to Unreal Engine 5 and the expansion of Fortnite Creative.  I am also looking forward to the release of Halo Infinite.

What started as a bit of a lockdown project has now turned into a website.  I wanted somewhere central to store everything related to gaming, from retro games on the NES in the 80's through to my current gaming content which is mainly related to Fortnite.

There will be three main elements to this website:

  • Cataloging of various retro games, including reflections, reviews and gameplay videos
  • Blogs/Articles regarding anything to do with gaming
  • Articles/Videos about Fortnite

Current Console: XBox Series X

Current Game: Fortnite

Streaming on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/gr8rcre8r

By the way, gr8rcre8r has been my gamertag since I first got my Playstation 3. It is pronounced "Greater Creator", but most people just say "Greater" or "Great"

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